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3D CBCT Scans

3D CBCT Scan Bangalore

A 3D CBCT (Cone Beam Computed Tomography) Scan is a type of medical imaging technology that uses a rotating X-ray machine to capture detailed, three-dimensional images of the teeth, jaw, and surrounding structures. Unlike traditional two-dimensional X-rays, CBCT scans provide a comprehensive, 360-degree view of the oral cavity, allowing dentists to visualize the intricate details of the teeth, bones, and soft tissues with remarkable clarity. The key difference between CBCT and conventional CT scans is the way the images are captured. While traditional CT scans use a fan-shaped X-ray beam that rotates around the patient, CBCT scans utilize a cone-shaped X-ray beam that captures the entire region of interest in a single rotation. This results in a faster scan time, reduced radiation exposure, and more detailed, high-resolution images.

How Does a 3D CBCT Scan in Bangalore Work?

The process of obtaining a 3D CBCT scan in Bangalore is relatively straightforward. The patient is positioned in the CBCT machine, which typically resembles a large, open-faced cylinder. The machine then rotates around the patient’s head, capturing multiple X-ray images from various angles. These individual images are then compiled by a computer software program
to create a detailed, three-dimensional model of the patient’s oral structures.
The entire scan process typically takes less than a minute, and the resulting images can be viewed and manipulated on a computer screen, allowing dentists to examine the data from multiple perspectives and make more informed diagnoses and treatment decisions.

Advantages of 3D CBCT Scans over Traditional Imaging Techniques

Compared to traditional two-dimensional X-rays, 3D CBCT scans offer several significant advantages:
  • Enhanced Visualization : CBCT scans provide a comprehensive, three- dimensional view of the teeth, jaws, and surrounding structures, allowing dentists to identify and diagnose issues that may be missed on traditional X-rays.
  • Improved Accuracy : The high-resolution images from CBCT scans enable more precise measurements and more accurate treatment planning, leading to better clinical outcomes.
  • Reduced Radiation Exposure : CBCT scans use a lower radiation dose compared to traditional CT scans, making them a safer option for patients, particularly children and adolescents.
  • Faster Scan Times : CBCT scans can be completed in a matter of minutes, reducing the time and discomfort for patients.
  • Versatile Applications : CBCT technology can be used to diagnose a wide range of dental and maxillofacial conditions, from impacted teeth to TMJ disorders.
We are proud to have the world's best CBCT machine, Planmeca, in our unit, which ensures low-dose exposure. The radiation from our Planmeca machine is significantly lower compared to other brands, providing a safer imaging option for our patients.

Planmeca CBCT Machine at Dental Solutions Clinic: A Cutting-Edge Solution for Dental Imaging

3D CBCT Scan Bangalore
The Planmeca CBCT machine at Dental Solutions Clinic represents the pinnacle of modern dental imaging technology. Known for its precision and advanced features, the Planmeca CBCT machine provides exceptionally detailed, three-dimensional images of the teeth, jaw, and surrounding structures. This comprehensive imaging capability allows dental professionals to diagnose and plan treatments with unparalleled accuracy.

Key Features:

  • Low Radiation Exposure : The Planmeca CBCT machine at Dental Solutions Clinic is designed to minimize radiation exposure, making it a safer option for patients. Its advanced technology ensures high-quality images while adhering to the ALARA (As Low As Reasonably Achievable) principle.
  • High-Resolution Imaging : With superior image resolution, the Planmeca CBCT machine allows for the clear visualization of dental anatomy, aiding in the detection of even the smallest details that might be missed with traditional X-rays.
  • Versatile Applications : This machine is versatile, supporting a wide range of dental procedures including implant planning, orthodontics, endodontics, and TMJ analysis. Its comprehensive imaging capabilities make it an essential tool in modern dental practices.
  • Fast and Efficient Scans : The machine's efficient scanning process reduces the time patients spend in the chair, enhancing comfort and convenience. The rapid acquisition of images ensures that dental professionals can quickly proceed with analysis and treatment planning.
  • User-Friendly Interface : The Planmeca CBCT machine features an intuitive interface that simplifies the imaging process for dental professionals. The user- friendly design helps ensure accurate image capture and easy manipulation of the 3D data.
At Dental Solutions Clinic, we are committed to providing the highest standard of care using the latest technology. The Planmeca CBCT machine is an integral part of our practice, enabling us to deliver precise diagnostics and effective treatments for our patients.
The Planmeca CBCT machine at Dental Solutions Clinic is a state-of-the-art tool that enhances diagnostic capabilities and treatment precision in dentistry. Its low radiation exposure, high-resolution imaging, and versatility make it a top choice for dental professionals seeking to provide the best care for their patients.

Applications of 3D CBCT Scans in Dentistry

The versatility of 3D CBCT scans has made them an invaluable tool in various areas of dentistry, including:
  • Implant Planning : CBCT scans provide detailed information about the patient's jaw bone density, volume, and anatomy, allowing for more precise planning and placement of dental implants.
  • Orthodontic Treatment : CBCT scans can help orthodontists visualize the position and orientation of teeth, as well as the underlying bone structure, to develop more effective treatment plans.
  • Endodontics : CBCT scans can help identify complex root canal anatomy, detect apical lesions, and plan for endodontic procedures with greater accuracy.
  • Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery : CBCT scans are used to diagnose and plan for complex surgical procedures, such as impacted wisdom teeth removal, jaw realignment, and treatment of facial trauma.
  • TMJ Evaluation : CBCT scans provide detailed images of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ), enabling dentists to identify and diagnose TMJ disorders.
  • Airway Analysis : CBCT scans can be used to assess the patient's airway volume and identify potential obstructions, which is particularly useful for sleep apnea treatment planning.

Preparing for a 3D CBCT Scan

Preparing for a 3D CBCT scan is generally straightforward. Patients may be asked to remove any metal objects, such as jewelry or dentures, that could interfere with the imaging process. It's also important to inform the dental team of any medical conditions or allergies, as these may affect the scan or the interpretation of the results. In some cases, patients may be asked to refrain from eating or drinking for a short period before the scan to ensure that the images are not obscured by food or liquid in the mouth. Additionally, patients may be required to hold their breath or remain still during the scan to minimize any movement that could affect the image quality.

Interpreting 3D CBCT Scan Results

Interpreting the results of a 3D CBCT scan requires specialized knowledge and expertise. Dentists and other healthcare professionals who are trained in reading these images will carefully analyze the data to identify any abnormalities or areas of concern. The 3D images can be viewed from multiple angles and perspectives, allowing for a comprehensive assessment of the patient's oral and maxillofacial structures. Dentists may use specialized software to measure specific anatomical features, such as bone density or root canal morphology, and to plan for various dental procedures.


In conclusion, 3D CBCT scans have revolutionized the field of dentistry, providing healthcare professionals with a powerful tool for diagnosing and treating a wide range of oral and maxillofacial conditions. By offering enhanced visualization, improved accuracy, and reduced radiation exposure, these advanced imaging techniques have become an essential component of modern dental care.