Benefits of WPT in treating Periodontitis – Wavelength optimised periodontal therapy

Benefits of WPT in treating Periodontitis – Wavelength optimised periodontal therapy What are the Benefits of WPT or Wavelength optimised periodontal therapy Reduced bleeding using Wavelength optimised periodontal therapy People who have gingivitis or advanced gum disease suffer from extreme bone loss and gum bleeding. Therefore, it’s crucial to eliminate bacteria from the teeth and […]
What is Operculectomy and why is it performed

What is Operculectomy and why is it performed What is Operculectomy? Operculectomy is the procedure of surgically removing the operculum or the flap of gum that partially covers over a tooth. This procedure treats pericoronitis, a condition characterized by pain and inflammation of the operculum. Pericoronitis typically occurs among young adults, especially those whose wisdom […]
What you should know about LANAP – Laser Assisted New Attachment Procedure

What you should know about LANAP – Laser Assisted New Attachment Procedure Laser Assisted New Attachment Procedure to is one of the best treatment for Periodontitis, otherwise known as Gum disease which advances once excessive bacteria starts building up within the mouth. If this condition is not promptly treated, it can eventually lead to more […]
LASER DENTISTRY: A Novel Way To Enhance Your dental Appearance

LASER DENTISTRY: A Novel Way To Enhance Your dental Appearance A Dental Laser is a type of Laser designed specifically for use in oral Surgery or Dentistry. Laser Dentistry is a precise and effective way to perform many dental procedures. Laser Dentistry has made this condition easily treatable. These dental lasers help to carefully reshape […]